
Game assets such as heroes and items can be acquired by spending GNG tokens to buy bundles of game asset packs. The bundles are available in a number of sizes, with larger packs available in the ICO period. The larger the bundle, the more rare heroes and items are guaranteed to be inside.

Below is a detailed specification of bundle availability, as well as the mechanism of probabilities. To learn more about the Tokenomics of Gems & Goblins, see Tokenomics.

General bundles

The following bundles will be offered:

  • Bundle of 2 packs that costs 50 GNG tokens.

  • Bundle of 4 packs that costs 100 GNG tokens.

  • Bundle of 10 packs that costs 250 GNG tokens.

During the ICO period, the following Bundles will be available as well:

  • Bundle of 30 packs that costs 500 GNG tokens +1 rare hero.

  • Bundle of 70 packs that costs 1.000 GNG tokens + 2 rare heroes + 3 items.

  • Bundle of 180 packs that costs 2.500 GNG tokens + 5 rare heroes + all items.

  • Bundle of 400 packs that costs 5.000 GNG tokens + Epic hero.

  • Bundle of 850 packs that costs 10.000 GNG tokens + 2 epic heroes + 3 items.

  • Bundle of 2300 packs that costs 25.000 GNG tokens + 5 epic heroes + all items.

  • Bundle of 5.000 packs that costs 50.000 GNG tokens + 1 Legendary hero.

  • Bundle of 10.500 packs that costs 100.000 GNG tokens + 1 Legendary hero + 3 items.

  • Bundle of 28.000 packs that costs 250.000 GNG tokens + 3 Legendary heroes + 9 items.

  • Bundle of 60.000 packs that costs 500.000 GNG tokens + all the legendary heroes + all items.

Item bundles

In each bundle, half of the packs will be eligible to drop a hero (hero packs), and the other half will drop an item (item packs). In addition, for the bundles that cost more than 500 GNG tokens, a gift will be given that includes heroes and items of a specific category as follows:

  • 500 GNG tokens bundle offers 1 rare hero and 3 rare items.

  • 5000 GNG tokens bundle offers 1 epic hero and 3 rare items.

  • 50.000 GNG tokens bundle offers 1 legendary hero and 4 legendary items.

  • 500.000 GNG tokens bundle all (11) legendary heroes and all the items.

Bundle Probabilities and Pity system

The probability to drop a character of a specific level with a hero card is the following:

The probability to drop an item of a specific level with a hero card is the following:

Note that the pity system we present in this section depends only on the number of cards opened by each user and is not related to the โ€œbonusโ€ that the players receive when buying one of the specified bundles. The bonus is given at the time of the purchase before the user opens any cards.

Hero packs

If a player does not win an uncommon or above hero in the first 10 pulls, in the 11th pull is guaranteed to win an uncommon hero.

If a player does not win a rare or above heroe until the 100th pull, the 101th pull is guaranteed to a rare or higher heroe

If a player does not win an Epic hero until the 1000 pulls, the 101th pull is guaranteed to offer an Epic or Legendary hero.

If a player does not win an Epic hero in 10.000 pulls, in the 10.001 pull it is guaranteed to win an epic hero

Item packs

If a player does not win an uncommon or above item in the first 10 pulls, in the 11th pull is guaranteed to win an uncommon item.

If a player does not win a rare or above item until the 100th pull, the 101th pull is guaranteed to a rare or higher item.

If a player does not win an Epic item until the 1000 pulls, the 101th pull is guaranteed to offer an Epic or Legendary item.

If a player does not win an Epic item in 10.000 pulls, in the 10.001 pull it is guaranteed to win an epic item.

Last updated